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Preguntas Frecuentes

How many international students are currently part of the graduate programs in Physics?

Currently, both programs, MSc and PhD, combined hold 24 students, 10 of whom are international.


Do the graduate programs accept students who are not fluent in Spanish? Are there any requirements concerning language skills in Spanish or English for international students?

There are no requirements concerning Spanish skills. 

International applicants whose country of origin’s native language is not either English or Spanish should show their ability to read, write, and speak fluently in English by providing a standardized test. An interview could also help the Committee determine each applicant’s ability in English.

When should I apply?

Both graduate programs in Physics receive applications at any time of the year. The committee reviews the selection of candidates twice a year and accepts new cohorts at the beginning of every semester. The specific deadlines for each semester are updated every year and made available through the webpage. As a reference, they are around the end of the preceding semester. Check the tab Admission for more details. 

When does the academic year start in Chile?

As in most countries in the Southern Hemisphere, the academic year starts in March and ends in January of the year after. The first semester extends from March to July, and the second from August to December.


How do I apply for a graduate program at the University of Santiago?
You must apply via the University website for graduate student applications and upload all the requested documents. The details are in each program’s tab’s “Admission “entry.
If you are having difficulties uploading documents, you can send them by email to
Check the tab Admission for more details.
How to apply for a Graduate Program at the University of Santiago?

To apply you must enter the website of the Vice Rectory of Graduate Studies in here.

What information should I provide in my application?

It is important to provide all the data and scanned copies of the necessary documentation required in the online application form, in addition to the specific information required by each Program (eg: ranking certificate, recommendation letters, motivation letter, etc.)

When do I have to present the original documents?

The original documents or its legalized copies must be sent once the application has been accepted, to start the formal process for admission as a regular student.

How do I get an address?

Once enrolled, this procedure is carried out internally at the Program's secretariat. We will communicate you once your address is active.

How do I obtain my university credential?

Once enrolled, this procedure is carried out internally at the Program's secretariat.

How can I have a physical workspace within the Physics Department?

Please visit the secretariat of the Program and your request will be directed internally. Please have in mind that workplaces are assigned to a person and are non-transferable.

How to register for my courses?
At the website section sistemas alumnos, you will find the link to register your courses online. From the Program Secretariat we will ask you for a pre-registration of subjects before the beginning of each semester.
How to start the thesis defense process?

The final version of the thesis must be submitted to the Master's or Doctoral Program Committee, as appropriate, together with a letter from the thesis director, suggesting the dates of public and private presentation, as well as thesis commission candidates. Please consult the Thesis Defense protocol with the program secretary for details.