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MSc in Physics

The Master of Science in Physics is aimed at those who hold a bachelor's degree in Physics or in a related discipline, to provide initial training to scientists, who through their work will contribute to the scientific research development of the country.
Our research is focused on: Materials Science, High-Energy Physics, Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Earth and Space Sciences, Physics of Condensed Matter.
Here you will find information about the academic staff, the admission process and the plan of study. In addition, you will be able to review and apply for the benefits and support resources provided by the Vice Rectory of Graduate Studies, the program documentation and information about our graduates.

The Program accredited by the National Accreditation Commission


Accreditation was extended due to the declaration of the Constitutional State of Catastrophe, from November 6th, 2021, until the new accreditation pronouncement by CNA-Chile, a currently underway process.

Exempt Resolution for Postgraduate Accreditation RPAP No. 0038-21

Second Semester 2024: Applications until July 22th, 2024

For more information, please write to

Since January 2024 the director of the Master of Science in Physics program is Dr. Sebastián Allende Prieto.