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Guillermo Romero Huenchuñir

Academic degree: 
2009. PhD in Sciences, major in Physics, University of Santiago de Chile
Bachelor of Applied Physics, University de Santiago de Chile
Research Lines: 
Superconducting qubits and circuit QED, Quantum many-body systems, Driven-dissipative quantum systems, Light-matter interaction in low-dimensional systems, Quantum Information.

I received my PhD in Physics from the University of Santiago de Chile in 2009. Between 2010 to 2015 I was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of the Basque Country in Bilbao, Spain. Since March 2015 I have been appointed as an Assistant Professor at the Physics Department of the University of Santiago de Chile. My research interests are superconducting circuits and quantum circuit electrodynamics, many-body quantum systems, quantum simulations, and open quantum systems.

