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MSc Curriculum

Program courses

General courses: Include the courses of Classical Mechanics, Classical Electrodynamics, Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics.

Elective subjects: are designed to understand the major topics in Physics developed in the Program.

Topics: they are intended to complement the student's education within their field of specialization.

Thesis: consists of the following subjects - Pre-project Thesis, Thesis I, Thesis II aimed at helping you to develop your thesis.

Degree thesis

Thesis will be developed under the supervision of a Thesis Director, who must be approved by the Master's Program Committee, and who will assume the role of tutor. 

Thesis must be developed autonomously by the student.


Exam overview

The Thesis Director will present the final version of student’s thesis and a letter addressed to the Director of the Program with suggested members for the Thesis Commission.

The above-mentioned Commission will consist of at least four professors:

  • At least two professors must belong to the Academic body of the Master's Program.
  • At least one professor from outside of the University of Santiago de Chile.
  • Thesis Director.


Graduation requirements

Successfully complete the compulsory courses with a final grade-point average equal or greater than 5.0.

Give at least one oral presentation at national or international conferences (or department seminar of a higher education institution) during their studies, which was certified by the Program Committee.

Approve the Degree Thesis, the Private Exam and the Degree Exam.


Plan of Study